Cedar Rapids Gazette
October 27, 1996
Q: I heard that Ken Wahl was arrested for drunk driving. Is it true he began drinking to relieve pain after a motorcycle accident? Is that what caused his career to go downhill after his “Wiseguy” TV series? –S.K., San Antonio, Tex.
A: When Ken Wahl, 39, was arrested last December for playing loud music at his home in Malibu, Calif., the police checked their computers and discovered an outstanding warrant against him for driving under the influence of alcohol. Wahl could not immediately post the $5000 bail and spent the weekend in jail. He pleaded “no contest,” was given probation and was required to join an alcohol-recovery program. In an April interview, however, the moody actor said he still drank vodka to relieve the chronic neck pain he
has suffered since a 1992 motorcycle accident. Wahl came out of retirement last spring to make a “Wiseguy” TV movie. He now has a new agent and has begun to look at scripts again.