Drowning Mona: Deleted Scenes & Trailers

“Drowning Mona” is a 2000 American crime comedy directed by Nick Gomez. The story revolves around the mysterious death of Mona Dearly (played by Bette Midler). This widely disliked and abrasive woman dies after her car plunges off a cliff into a river. The local police chief, Wyatt Rash (played by Danny DeVito), investigates the incident and discovers that the brakes were tampered with, leading him to suspect foul play.

As Chief Rash delves deeper, he finds that nearly everyone in the small town of Verplanck, New York, had a motive to kill Mona, given her unpleasant nature. The suspects include her abused husband Phil, her lazy son Jeph, and her son’s business partner Bobby, who is engaged to Rash’s daughter. The investigation reveals a web of relationships, secrets, and motives, making it a challenge to pinpoint the murderer.

The film is known for its dark humor and satirical take on small-town dynamics, in which everyone is a potential suspect after Mona’s death.

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