Daly disturbed by CBS casting
Article from:Chicago Sun-Times Article date:May 11, 1992
Tyne Daly, who won a Tony award for her performance as Mama Rose in the Broadway hit revival of “Gypsy,” said CBS’s decision to cast Bette Midler in the musical’s TV version caught her by surprise.
“I feel like I’ve been punched in the face,” Daly said in the current issue of TV Guide.
Daly was a Broadway smash in the musical based on the true story of the ultimate stage mother and her daughter-stripper, Gypsy Rose Lee.
“Midler is a great power and a great entity, but there’s a bigger and larger power moderating here, and it’s called money,” Daly said.
What Tyne Daly said about money is probably right. But who can help it? Miss M is a much more interesting actress than her. Plus: How could she be compared to Bette as a singer?!
On a minor note: Tyne is a year younger than The Divine One, but God Bette looks much younger than her!
What does she mean? I’m sure Bette cost CBS more than Tyne, right?
i think she meant bette would bring in more investors, advertisors, and of course audience
I know many have played the role. But, to me, Bette does it better than any of them.
Tyne Daly is part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor! Take her away!
Here’s my take on Bette’s turn as Mama Rose:
First of all, if the character’s name is Rose, Bette Midler is required by law to play the character, play opposite Lily Tomlin or at least read the script.
Secondly, as an actor with a degree, a tranny and a homosexual, I am required by law to know “Gypsy” forward and backwards. I do.
I piss off every available theatre queen with my choice of Bette as “best Mama Rose ever”. If I hear one more drama nerd scream at me about Patti LuPone’s nuances, (she was the first Mama Rose you were afraid would actually murder a child performer) Bernedette Peters’ vocal range, (she sounded like an air raid siren during Rose’s Turn) or Tyne Daly’s “groundbreaking” performance(it wasn’t groundbreaking, but they had DID have to reinforce the stage and ask her to stop chowing down on Mr. Goldstone’s eggrolls) I’ll take a hostage.
Ethel Merman is the ultimate Mama Rose, but she’s as dead as BP’s profits and Bette’s take on the character was every bit as brash, edgy, and big as the original. She was legendary in the role. Period. Tyne Daly always sounded to me like she was reading a script aloud with a cheap Miracle Ear.
And Tyne Daly can harp about money all she likes, but why would CBS create a film starring an actress that nobody cared to watch in the first place. Tyne Daly vs. Bette Midler in the casting of ANYTHING would be akin to Tony Danza vs. Anthony Hopkins.
I’d be curious to know what Daly’s thoughts on the matter were after the reviews came out, in which basically everybody in Hollywood bowed at the alter of Midler for her portrayal.
Long-winded as ever,
Fabulous rant as usual and right on the money….I saw Patti Lupone’s performance and I did witness a bit of child cannibalism I think….
PS. The picture above of Bette in the early 90’s is awesome. I always loved her hair all jacked-up and queened-out!