Mister D:
Okay, even this photo creeps me out. Reminds me of “Silence of the Lambs” type shit, but, oh well, it’s interesting. Put’s a whole new spin on Betteheads. Thank god Bette doesn’t visit here or does she? If so, Bette, sorry!!! And I’m sure I’ll be told to take it down, if so. Not really. That has happened one time in my whole tenure here and it wasn’t my fault…it was the interviewers. I was kindly asked to take the article down which I did, but even then I wasn’t forced to…it was my call. Anyway, I’m so off point.
I really just wanted to thank everybody for sticking around during this long, slow period. I have done my best to keep this place going every single day and boy my load has been wide and heavy. But the numbers are good. Thanks for sticking around and thanks to new readers coming in daily.
I especially want to thank those that make comments and use the little chat box. I really appreciate your participation in the site and it doesn’t go unnoticed. I go through my ups and downs, but I read everything and I appreciate it all. So for those participating give yourself a pat on the back and a round of applause.
Barry and I have been working in the background over the last few weeks to make some changes to BLB, hopefully to make it better. Please wish us luck when we roll out the new look….hope it’s not too drastic and that we don’t just discombobulate it. Maybe we’ll keep a back-up just in case. Anyway, I’d look for changes within a month. Also the new emailing and newsletter system should be rolled out within that period, too. I just need to learn how to use it. Oy! I already have one volunteer for the newsletter who will be writing a column about the environment. If anybody else would like to contribute something, let me know and we can discuss it.
In other news, the musical act for Hulaween should be announced by Friday if all goes well. It will be announced here or thru one of Bette’s tweets. I don’t know how we’re playing it this year. I’ll also find out next week how we’ll be working with NYRP for Bette’s Birthday Fundraiser. So there’s a lot coming up.
Anyway, I thank you all for your patience and your goodwill towards me and BLB!
Much Love,
Mister D