A Message From Mr. Redmond
A Special Film For BetteHeads
Bette Midler: The Onstage Decade
A Film by Darrell Redmond
Hey everybody,
I thought this week, instead of a song, I would share with you all a film that I put together on Bette’s early career. I’m very proud of this film and I’ve received many flattering compliments from friends. I hope this will bring back great memories to those of you who livef through this era . . . and to those of you who didn’t, I hope it’ll help you appreciate how wonderful those days really were. Thank you all so much and I hope that you all enjoy the film. It will only be online for a week, so grab it while you can. Yes, you can finally download something from this page . . . are you shocked? : )
Love, Darrell.
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