Painting: Tom Miro
Just wanted to get this on-line before the shows started in Australia to drum up even more excitement for you guys and gals, if that’s possible.
I’ve had some really serious health issues lately (don’t ask…I know how the internet works, so I want to see what the gossip is on myself…it’s usually much, much worse), but am slowly resolving them, so thank God for friends. I had wanted a special page for the Australian shows, but frankly, I just didn’t have the energy to fool with it. So you know who just jumped in and did it???:
All I had mentioned really was that I wanted Tom Miro’s painting of Bette on the page…that was the extent of my input. Anyway, I think he did a brilliant job as he always does.
The page is not quite finished yet…I need to make some links to some of the band members and other talent…plus links will be made for reviews and pics if any are sent my way.
The song list displayed is temporary, but I will have whatever minor changes are needed up tonight or tomorrow morning. With Ms. Midler, anything can change at the last minute, so please keep that in mind. Naturally, there will be a few nips and tucks to the Aussie show as opposed to the US show…but it balances out quite nicely, I think.
Also Darrell (Bette On The Boards) has put together a nice little teaser for the Oz crowd or any BetteHead crowd…his work is amazing, so someone who is anybody, get him a job. Basically, in this clip you are about to see Darrell pieced together bits and pieces of audio, pics (special thanks to BaltoBoy Steve), and video from bootlegs and made one concise little 5 minute promo…it’s called editing!!! LOL But it’s definitely an art form and requires the utmost in patience, preciseness, and talent…of which I have none…!
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy…if you like or enjoy what Darrell has done, please visit his site and let him know:
For the Divine Preview Video: Click Here
(must have real player to see video…it also takes a dang long time to download)
For the KMB Down Under Page: Click Here
(if you want to remain surprised before the show, don’t go here…song list will eventually be displayed…not sure if it has changed or not…)
Thanks so much Darrell, Steve, Tom, and all of you who are constantly helping out…this really is a community effort and no one knows that more than I (me)…
Love, Mister D