Thanks to everybody for the notes and kind letters regarding Chaka…and thanks to my friend Becky (I mean Inez..LOL) for trying so hard to help me…
Anyway, as I try to phase myself out of the postition I am in, I just wanted to thank all those that contributed to the Aussie tour.
However, I have had some requests from different parts of the globe for more Australian fans to write in about their tour experiences. I mean, Lordy, we have enough reviews from the hoity toity critics…we want to hear from the fans…so don’t be afraid to send them in. BUT mucho thanks to those that did….they were awesome….you can read the reviews here: KMB Down Under Reviews Page
I checked and it seems like ANOTHER show was added to the tour while I was gone…May 1, 2005 in Sydney…so go and then write a review…
And last but not least: I just ventured over to Darrell’s site and he has some of his original films up. Do not wait…go straight over to Bette On The Boards and check them out…the guy is a genius and I would say that even if I didn’t love him…Here’s a direct link:
Congrats to Bette and the gang on a boffo tour….you turned Aussie upside down….now we’re down under!
If you noticed I put links up to 4 sites in the upper red box….between all of us or actually between all 4 of those listed…well, you couldn’t ask for more Bette information….you’ll be well-rounded and divinely versed on the subject…
I plan to keep doing my part, only slower and at my pace….dammit I turn 50 in July and this is a young whippersnapper’s game. Okay, Okay…I admit it, I’m tired!!!!
I should have some new polls and music up soon and I’ll let you know when. In the meantime, get busy writing some reviews you little Ozzites….
Love, Mister D