Twenty-three year old, Gracie McGraw, is an aspiring singer following in the steps of her multi-talented parents, Faith Hill and Tim McGraw. You’ll remember that starred in The Stepford Wives along with Bette Midler, Nicole Kidman, and Glenn Close. I remember Faith Hill saying she stepped onto the elevator to get to the studio and she said Bette was singing one of my favorite songs from the ’70s, Jessie Colter’s I’m Not Lisa. Then Faith began singing the harmony part. I would have so enjoyed that. I always thought Bette might bring that oomph to it as she did with Hello In There or Delta Dawn. Maybe the word I’m looking for is “pathos”
Watching Gracie move so freely, happily, half-singing and half lip-syncing, Do You Wanna Dance, I wondered how she first heard about Bette. Was it Beaches or Hocus Pocus that led her down the Divine path? Or did her mother introduce Bette’s music to Gracie, Whatever, the girl’s got good taste! Writing about this post, Gracie simply wrote this: “Basking in the sunlight, basking in the glory of the Divine Miss M”