Photo: Annie Liebovitz
Mister D:
I’ve put up new music in the jukebox and ipod sections…just play along with that. Use your imagination:
BLB Jukebox: Click Here
Same Songs, Different Voices IPod: Click Here
Also, check out “Bette!” the series here quickly!: Click Here
I’m feeling under the weather, so I will try to slow down for a few days…sorry…I just have those days, you know. There’s a lot of material up…you can catch up. In the meantime, I will try to catch up on some emails.
Much love to you all….
Mister D
yay, thanks for uploading new stuff.
2am and I can’t sleep. Insomnia!!!
Those timedifferences are driving me nuts.
say hey to earnie and tell him I miss him!!!
love ya
Mr.D, get well soon and get some rest. Love you! *hugs* -Honey Gee
Thanks Ladies….
Katrin: I sleep with Earnie everynight and that makes me think of you!
Love, D