Have A Seat – I’ll Be Adding To This Post Today – 03-10-08

  • Check out the BLB Digital Jukebox! An anonymous reader sent in 2 beautiful songs from “The Showgirl Must Go On” You knew it was going to happen, so enjoy “Hello In There” and “The Rose.” Click Here
  • I’ve updated the About Bootleg Betty section – which I guess is a big whoo….but I had to do it. It’s pretty raw, so expect changes. Anyway, thank you to all the readers and a big thanks to those who participate in the comments section. I didn’t know if I’d enjoy it, but I do. So hugs and kisses to all…whatever! I sound like a girlie girl!
  • We’ve got a few new reviews in from some BetteHeads…one very in depth one. The last sentence kind of says it all….we’re spoiled. LOL: Click Here
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9 thoughts on “Have A Seat – I’ll Be Adding To This Post Today – 03-10-08

  1. Can someone tell me what album “Something Your Heart Has Been Telling Me” was supposed to be from? I listened to it on the Jukebox (Thanks, Mr. D!) and it’s growing on me.

  2. Thank you anonymous reader, whoever you are…you are a blessed and kind soul! Now, do you accept requests? LOL! Just kidding…

    I loved the song too Spencer, and I think it’s included in the Jackpot – Best of Bette cd…I wonder if this is a new recording or it is something that was “lost” somewhere, cause she sounded to me a lot like in No Frills…but she is sounding so fabulous in those songs from Showgirl…it’s unbelivable, she sounds better and better. She has been singing The Rose and Hello In There for so long and and her interpretations are still so powerful…or even more nowdays…I still can’t believe I’ll miss this one too…

  3. Hey Spence and Cris:

    For No Frills she was supposed to be writing with Marianne Faithful’s collaborators….one of which was Barry Reynolds. Well, this was one of the songs and it was left “as is” as far as I know.

    Bette recorded it obviously but it wasn’t used on the CD, however, Roberta Flack recorded it for her CD on “Set The Night To Music”

    Cris, we’re finding you a way to get to Vegas. Just believe it….

    Love, D

  4. Say, so now I’ve read several reviews saying basically that when Bette is doing her poi ball routine she messes up and throws them out in the audience. I wonder, is she really “messing up” or just doing it to be funny…

  5. Hi Mr D & All!

    Oh, kids, this chair leaves plenty of room for bad jokes about sitting on ones face doesn’t it?

    Please don’t make me go there!!!

    Big Hugz!



  6. Random question: Listened to Tina Turner’s “Steel Claw” and thought that Bette should have recorded it (or at least performed it live). So much energy and rawness… anyone else agree??

  7. Hey Mr D & All!

    Stephen: Steel Claw, an amazing track by Tina Turner, one that was totally ignored and should have been a single.

    I can imagine Bette singing this track, it would make a great medley along with “Fire Down Below” & “Leader Of The Pack.”

    Very nice suggestion.

    So, now I have another one for you. Have you heard the [Swing Version] of “Can You Forgiver Her?” By the Pet Shop Boys? The song is basically about a man who can’t make it with a woman because he still fantasizes about his first sexual experience with a boy he went to school with. He is constantly tormented by his girlfriend who has found out his secret. It’s a very camp song and one that I think Bette’s voice and way of story telling will sit very well with.

    Big Hugz!


  8. Srephen: I agree with that choice. I was working in a record store (music, cd’s) when that came out and I thought the same thing.

    Manny…now I have to hear that Pet Shop Boy song…off I go to look for it.

    I also wanted to see who you thought Bette should collaborate with and why….seems like you said you had a list or would make one…csll me curious.

    Plus I’m always looking for new things to play and sing…I’m more comfortable with Bette songs, so I’d like to move forward and play around with songs Bette should have sung….LOL

    Love, Don

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