Bette Midler at the Morris Arboretum in Chestnut Hill, PA to see its new Tree Adventure exhibit featuring Out on a Limb, a 450 foot long canopy walk that soars 50 feet above the forest floor on Tuesday.
Brandon, it’s the attitude of those who live in the surrounding neighborhoods outside the immediate city (i.e. City Hall and surrounding city proper). They accept the tons of trash lying around the city and I find it totally unacceptable!
For example, when a young child comes in to one of my garden sites for a tour, their first reaction to the green space is to seek and destroy something – there is no respect or apprecitation for it. I guarantee you, that behavior stops the minute I get hold of them 😉 The younger generation is not being taught the value of a clean neighborhood let alone the value of any open/green spaces that are stuggling to exist in the city.
We (Federation of Neighborhood Centers) are working on a big fall cleanup campaign w/our member agencies and Teens 4 Good….stay tuned for more info.
Damn 20 minutes from my house…at least I can say I wasn’t home so I didn’t hear her knock on the door when she came by for a chat and nosh..wouldn’t want her thinking I’m a snob… lol
Wow… just moved my girlfriend down to Philadelphia over the weekend… seems that this is only about 25 minutes or so from where she lives… damn.
Brandon has a girlfriend….na na na nananan na
hahahhahhahahah!!! Don! That was funny.
Why the hell wasn’t I notified???
Jamie, because, you have a big “L” on your forehead….LOL But I love you!!!!
Seriously Jamie, I think it’s because you aren’t on My Space….that’s the only route it was going…
I don’t have time for myspace…I’m too damn busy cleaning up this city (LOL!!)
And, by the way – an “L” on my forehead??? Ouch!!
Jamie, let’s start the PRP and clean up Philadelphia! This past weekend was the first time I was there and it’s in some serious need of cleaning!
Jamie’s already started something there….but she could use the help….
Brandon, it’s the attitude of those who live in the surrounding neighborhoods outside the immediate city (i.e. City Hall and surrounding city proper). They accept the tons of trash lying around the city and I find it totally unacceptable!
For example, when a young child comes in to one of my garden sites for a tour, their first reaction to the green space is to seek and destroy something – there is no respect or apprecitation for it. I guarantee you, that behavior stops the minute I get hold of them 😉 The younger generation is not being taught the value of a clean neighborhood let alone the value of any open/green spaces that are stuggling to exist in the city.
We (Federation of Neighborhood Centers) are working on a big fall cleanup campaign w/our member agencies and Teens 4 Good….stay tuned for more info.
Damn 20 minutes from my house…at least I can say I wasn’t home so I didn’t hear her knock on the door when she came by for a chat and nosh..wouldn’t want her thinking I’m a snob… lol