Bette Tweets: Stand Your Ground, Bobby Blue Bland, And Texas

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler Stevie Wonder refuses to play Florida. Now there’s someone standing his ground. Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler A moment…

Bette Tweets: Zimmerman/Martin Trial

Bette Midler ✔ @BetteMidler We’ll never know what happened that night btwn Zimmerman & Martin. We do know if there…

Bette Tweets: Real Housewives, Heat Index

  Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler The first Monday in months, I can watch entire 4 hour block of Real Housewives. I…

Bette Tweets: ‘Eat’ May Play Cali

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler Rumor Alert! Last perf of ”¦EAT YOU LAST may not have been the last. May play Cali…

Bette Tweets: GOP, Firefighters, Last Show, Petition

  Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler GOP spends all of their energy making it harder to vote, and easier to buy guns…

Bette Tweets: Kudos

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler A heartfelt thank you to everyone who made @illeatyoulast such a sensational experience for me. All the…

Bette Tweets: I’ll Eat You Last ~ Bette’s Final Meal

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler Actually, for my last meal @illeatyoulast I ate fried chicken, potato salad and baked beans. Catered by…

Bette Tweets: I’ll Eat You Last ~ The End

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler Wow, only 3 shows left. What am I going to do with the extra 80 minutes every…

Bette Tweets: Paula Deen, GOP

  Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler 20m The bad news is Paula Deen has dug quite a hole for herself. The good…

Bette Tweets: SCOTUS

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler 8h The new motto of the Supreme Court: “Anyone can accomplish the American Dream. They just can’t…

Bette Tweets: Gay Marriage

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler Today’s vote on gay marriage is sure to be as groundbreaking as the Voter Act of 1965”¦oh,…

Bette Tweets: Voting Rights Act Of 1965

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler 8h Let’s just turn back the clock to 1859…Judge Roberts loves that year, as do Scalia, Roberts,…

Bette Tweets: Obesity

Bette Midler Still mulling over the ruling that obesity is a disease. It’s NOT a disease. It’s a condition that…

Bette Tweets: James Gandolfini

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler The great James Gandolfini passed away today. Only 51. I can’t believe it.

Bette Midler praises Michael Douglas

Contact Music Bette Midler praises Michael Douglas June 3, 2013 Bette Midler has praised Michael Douglas for revealing his throat…

Bette Tweets: “I would look great coming down that staircase…”

Broadway World Twitter Watch: Bette Midler Says She’d ‘Look Great’ Coming Down the HELLO, DOLLY! Staircase June 3, 2013…

Bette Tweets: Jean Stapleton

Hollywood Life Jean Stapleton Dies: Bette Midler & More React To Actress’ Death Sat, June 1, 2013 6:35pm EDT by…

Celebrities React To Boston Marathon Explosion

NKOTB’s Joey McIntyre, marathon runner, tweets he is OK Lorena Blas, USA TODAY8:02 p.m. EDT April 15, 2013 Blue Bloods…

Bette Tweets: Giving Maternity Advice To Kim Kardashian

The Sun Kim Kardashian gets maternity fashion advice from Bette Midler April 2, 2012 The 67-year-old Wind Beneath My Wings…

Phil Ramone Remembered by Billy Joel, Elton John, Bette Midler, and Other Stars

Hollywood Reporter Phil Ramone Remembered by Billy Joel, Elton John and Other Stars March 31, 2013 Response to the news of…

Bette Tweets: Joy Behar, Birds. And Marriage

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler Oh, damn! @JoyBehar is leaving @theviewtv. So distressing; she is irreplaceable. A voice in the wilderness, and…

Bette Tweets: Mengers, Elton, Pussy, And The Senate

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler I’m playing Sue Mengers, #HollywoodSuperAgent, who, inviting Elton John to dinner asked, “Is there anything he doesn’t…

Bette Tweets: Oscars, NRA, The Vatican, And A Good Read

  Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler The NRA comes to NY next week. They want to be sure to give every town…

Bette Tweets: Rehearsals, The Vatican, Sequesters…Oh My!

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler Broadway rehearsals…my, my. so many new people; writer,director, producers, who don’t yet realize I’m right about everything……

Bette Tweets: I’ll Eat You Last: A Chat With Sue Mengers

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler Whew, all this learning of lines is WORK!! My eyes are crossing…just up for a breath of…

Bette Tweets: Project Runway ~ Feb 14, 2013

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler Woo woo woo! ME! On @ProjectRunway with @ZacPosen, @Manrepeller, Leandra Medine, @HeidiKlum @NinaGarcia and of course @TimGunn…

Bette Tweets: The last of the Sunbeams of WWII, the remarkable Andrews Sisters, Patty Andrews expired today

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler The last of the Sunbeams of WWII, the remarkable Andrews Sisters, Patty Andrews expired today.Rest in peace.Another…

Bette Tweets: Valentines, Codger Oscar Voting, Chris Brown, And Billy Crystal

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler I Heart NYC! Don’t you? Show it this Valentine’s day by funding an NYC tree ”“ great…

Bette Tweets: Get A Grip

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler Ok #beyonce fudged. Get a grip. Men are raping and urinating on young girls in Steubenville Ohio.…

Bette Tweets: Sue Menger’s Workshop, Men In Hoodies, And Beyonce!

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler So much excitement; off to workshop of “I’ll Eat You Last” : Sue Mengers speaks and how!…