BetteBack July 24, 1992: Are Barbra Streisand and Bette Midler sisters? (LOL)

Harrisonburg Daily News Record July 24, 1992 Are Barbra Streisand and Bette Midler sisters? — C.L , Port Orange, Fla.…

Divine Intervention Meet And Greets: Bette Midler And Kendyl Shalva

So meeting her was incredible. I thought we would meet her before the show and was a little sad when…

BetteBack November 19, 1989: Bette’s ‘Stella’ Will Not Be All Camp

Annapolis Capital November 19, 1989 Isn’t It true that Bette Midler will camp It up in a remake of 193Ts…

Bette Midler Makes Top ten ‘FOMO’ (Fear of Missing Out) must-see acts!

Express Fleetwood Mac top the list of top 10 FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) must-see acts May 1, 2015 The…