BetteBack Jan 2000: No one plays mean as Bette Midler

This story takes place in Verplank, a small town in upstate New York. Verplanck is the test market for the…

BetteBack March 3, 2000: ‘Drowning Mona’ Sinks under Lethargic Direction

"Drowning Mona" works like a low-rent John Waters travelogue through an upstate New York hamlet where a woman has been…

When The Hateful Yugo Starred in a Brutally Unfunny Comedy With an All-Star Cast

AutoEvolutionWhen The Hateful Yugo Starred in a Brutally Unfunny Comedy With an All-star Castby Todd Halterman22 Sep 2021 You might…

YouTube Movies Presents: Drowning Mona

Drowning Mona After years of driving the town crazy, Mona Dearly (Bette Midler) drove herself into a river. But when…

Video: Scene From ‘Drowning Mona’ With Bette Midler, Danny DeVito, Neve Campbell, Casey Affleck, and Marcus Thomas

Video & Trivia For ‘Drowning Mona’ The first thing to appear on screen is a little blurb about the Yugo…