Photo Scan: Darrell Redmond
This is just a reminder for everyone to get on over to Bette on the Boards and view the special film he has created for Bette fans. Darrell has consistently and diligently given us a site that any true historian would die for…this just happens to be the early history of Bette Midler from the 70’s and 80’s…Darrell’s favorite decade(s) of Ms. Midler’s phenomenal career….
I get so many comments about his page, but any of you that appreciate it need to contact him and not me. I can forward the glowing comments I get to him, but it would be so much more meaningful and appropriate to send it directly to the man responsible for this wonderful site and film. I think he is an artiste in every positive sense of the word. So show your appreciation by contacting him directly:
On a personal note…I can’t thank Darrell enough for helping me…without Darrell or my own talented Barry, I would be nothing. They both have taught me so much and have helped me with no complaints (well, Barry complains and I’m sure many of you could understand why…LOL). But whenever I can’t bring my vision to life, all I have to do is ramble to Darrell on the phone and for some god forsaken reason he understands exactly where I am coming from….
And believe me, his hard work is not going unnoticed…in fact, I am his biggest cheerleader…lately I’ve had the good fortune of meeting with Ms. Midler and crew on several occasions (no bragging…it’s just a fact and something I am very grateful for…and I have chosen not to talk about most of it)…But you can bet that Darrell’s name has been brought up and also Terri’s from Experience The Divine….
I can ASSURE you that I have never had an agenda except to please and give fans a place to go that’s fun and informative. I spent 34 years dodging a meeting with Bette (yes, I was scared), but when it’s offered to you thru the kindness of a stranger, how do you turn that down? But I also have always given credit where credit is due….that’s the way I have lived my whole life and I think it’s a good way for anyone to live their life…I really do believe in team work and it’s philosophy. So I thank people like Terri and Darrell for their talent…Barry, BaltoBoy Steve, the Miro Brothers, Mama Rose, Snook…and all those that read and participate in BLB (from reviews to pictures and tidbits sent in). I’m glad people feel comfortable in sharing and if somehow you think I have slighted you when you helped…just let me know…
Okay…that was fun…Haven’t rambled in a while, so I deserved this… 🙂
Anyway, this started out as a valentine to Darrell Redmond and Bette on the Boards…do yourself a favor and check out his valentine film to Bette:
Scroll down until you see where Darrell talks about Updates….
Mister D