New York Post
Liz Smith
March 6, 2005
— ‘LEND YOURSELF to others, but give yourself to yourself,” said Michel de Montaigne.
THE INFAMOUS Harpies group of fab ulous females met last week at Oste rio del Circo in the private room dominated by a Big Apple Circus poster, which was prophetic.
The Harpies had sold lunch with themselves to benefit Bette Midler’s New York Restoration Project and had earned $25,000 from a very generous Wendy Siegal, who just happens to be president of the famous circus, which is now on tour. Maybe it was because lunch had brought in so much for charity or because Egi Maccioni had made us some incredible ravioli using figs or that we were anticipating tomorrow when Sirio Maccioni returns from Las Vegas to tell us his plans for his next Le Cirque restaurant, but a rollicking time was had by all. Bette was also on hand, looking blond and gorgeous, as she prepares to take her great show to Australia just for the heck and money of it.
The lunch covered such important topics as Clint Eastwood’s sex appeal . . . the phenomenon of Jamie Foxx . . . why the Oscars have grown so tame . . . whether the academy might push its red carpet date back to January . . . whether certain female stars always have romances with their leading men . . . and matters of equal distraction. The Harpies constitute anchorwomen of TV, p.r. experts, writers, a movie director, a film festival expert and a banker. A motley but lovable group!