Bette Sighting: Bette Gets Policed And Takes In A Little Coco

Sting: Slippery Elm and a Kid’s Debut
Fox News

Photo: Mazur

(Thank you Rebecca – BetteMidlerOnline)

Have you heard about The Box? It’s the decadent theater-bar-nightclub burlesque house on Chrystie Street in downtown New York City that’s become all the rage. It’s like “Cabaret” meets “The Gong Show.” There’s talk of midgets, lesbian sex, flame throwers and the like.

The Box is where Sting and the Police had their big after-Madison Square Garden debut last night.

It’s also where Sting and Trudie Styler’s tall, pretty, waifish 17-year-old daughter, Coco, made her own debut as a singer-songwriter performer in front of a crowd that included her parents, Glenn Close, Bette Midler and a lot of heavy-hitters.

Photo: Mazur

(Thank you Rebecca)

Coco performed two self-penned songs, and the results were magical. People who were at The Box will remember the night the way Whitney Houston’s introduction at 16 at Sweetwater’s is always recalled. Hopefully, Sting and Trudie can get Coco to stay in and finish high school. But one day after graduation, they could have another natural talent on the charts.

And no, there were no midgets on stage after Coco, but lots of campy fun, too many tap dancers, a sort of X-rated Beyonce who sang “Sex and Candy” dressed like a cheerleader and a novel duo called Hubby and Jessy who played roots music as the Square Struts. If David Letterman gets hold of them, they’ll be huge. A real find.

Earlier, Midler and Close were joined by Chris Botti, Ronald Perelman with his two youngest daughters, Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher and Uma Thurman, all of whom caught the Police’s first show at MSG in several hundred years.

Even Sting told the crowd, “We played here in 1878.” It must have felt that way. But like every Police show, this one rocked. Maybe this one more than the others.

Sting was quite chatty with the audience (he hasn’t spoken much at other shows.) He prefaced “Don’t Stand So Close to Me” by saying he had been a schoolteacher, but the song was not autobiographical.

He and Andy Summers engaged in some long, bluesy jams on several songs in ways they haven’t so far on this tour.

On “So Lonely,” Summers really commanded the stage. Stewart Copeland was more authoritative than usual, as well. It must have been being “back home,” as Sting said.

And what of his voice? Well, here’s his secret, since Sting’s vocals seem to be getting better and better: Slippery Elm.

Slippery Elm is said on Wikipedia to contain mucilage that’s good for sore throats. Whatever it is, it works.

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5 thoughts on “Bette Sighting: Bette Gets Policed And Takes In A Little Coco

  1. I didn’t like Miss M’s outfit. I hope she looses weight for Vegas; it’s going to be hard to top Celine Dion’s revenues.

  2. Marcos, Marcos, Marcos….what am I going to do with you…Miss M will be fine. Let her dress normal to blend in with other people (actually I heard celebrities are told to do that for security reasons).

    Love, Mister D

  3. Mr. D:

    I, for one, preffer the old school that would only appear in public completely made up as a goddess. “If you wanna be a star, act like a star.” Sharon Stone is a great example nowadays! Dolly also would never be in public without her Dolly outfits and make-up!

  4. Oh for chrissakes – leave her alone – she looks fine! Healthy, happy & w/ friends.
    You PAY to see the glamour people. Don’t be so shallow – save if for Miss Ross – not the Divine one.

  5. I think people should stop making comments about the way Bette looks and dresses unless they can prove they are amazingly good looking. I would kill to be half as gorgeous and talented as Bette. Does it matter what she wears? we are all entitled to wear what we wont.

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