Wednesday’s opening film at 7:30 p.m. at Atlantic Station will be “Then She Found Me,” featuring actress-director Helen Hunt in a story of a teacher in midlife crisis. Among her co-stars: Matthew Broderick, Bette Midler and Colin Firth. The author, Elinor Lipman will be holding a Q & A after the premiere (first night) It’s sold out. There is another showing the next day and you may want to call to see if any tickets are left. Tickets, showtimes and venues and a full list of films are at
I’m actually going to The Atlanta Jewish Film Festival on January 18 to catch the second showing, which is, as of yesterday, now sold out. I’m super excited about seeing the film before it hits theaters!
I will report back to you on Sunday or Monday with my thoughts, if you’d like. 🙂
Kyle: If you don’t mind, I would love for you to report back on it.
I had been invited to go to the premiere, but I didn’t want to go by myself…I would have had to drive from Nasville to Atlanta…Oy! And it just seemed pointless at the time.
So thank you for writing in..we would love to hear from you!
Love, Mister D
Unfortunately, I will not be able to make the film festival on Friday due to the wonderful issue of money. I always get way too excited about anything related to Miss Midler that I never think rationally about gas, hotel, and other expenses. HaHa! Do you happen to know when the film will be opening in Florida?
I apologize for not being able to give you my “review” of the film and Miss Midler’s performance. 🙁
That happens to other people, too. The good thing is you caught yourself before running up your debt. That’s more important than the review. There are already some on the site but I like to get the fan’s thoughts, too.
I might do something I shouldn’t tonight too…so don’t feel alone 🙂
Anyway, I appreciate your offer.
Is there a festival coming in Florida?
Love, D
Not that I know of. That’s why I jumped at the chance to go to Atlanta. I’ll see it eventually. 🙂
By the way, I’d love to hear from “The Oprah Winfrey Show” like all of the other lucky ones. I sent in a letter because I can’t afford a damn video camera. I had pictures of everything related to Miss Midler. No contact from them as of now. I don’t think that it’ll happen, but I did try. HaHa!
At least you tried and it doesn’t seem to be over yet. I get an email newsletter from the Oprah show and for the first time they hsd the link to the Bette program on there….so I guess they are still looking for something.
Love, Mister D