Bette Looking Divinely Hot!

Bette Midler arrives at the 2008 Riverkeeper Fisherman Ball on May 13, 2008. More Below.

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8 thoughts on “Bette Looking Divinely Hot!

  1. Did you notice that the event Bernice invites April to attend is a Riverkeeper event? Remember the scene in which she takes a pictures and say “Send us money!”. Just some fan talk…LOL!

  2. By the way, are there any psyquiatrists or psycologists out there?I wanted a scientific explanation on why a picture like this one makes me feel good…LOL!

  3. Cris: Don’t remember that scene…I have to see it again. As far as your other question, I just play one on the internet….a psychiatrist. It makes you feel good because in some way that’s the exact way you feel right now in your new life….ta da!

  4. Well, then I`ll have to look at this pic for the rest of the day, cause I got this backache,which leads to headaches, all weekend long…and the main cause must be my period,which is about to come…I wish I was a man…actually,I wish I was a gay man.LOL!

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