Access Atlanta
Billy Crystal film needs extras, Justin Bieber back in town, Denzel Washington sighting
10:46 pm December 5, 2011, by Jennifer Brett
Tis the season for condensed blog posts.
Here’s what I’ve got.
The Billy Crystal-Bette Midler film “Parental Guidance” needs a bunch of extras this Friday, for a country club scene up in Roswell. Email with your name, contact information and dimensions if you want in. They’re looking for golfers, party goers, etc. The kind of people who hang out at golf clubs.
Sometimes Atlantan Justin Bieber is back in town. “Glad to be back spending time in ATL with friends,” he tweeted earlier this evening. “This city is my 2nd home.” We’ll let you know where he shows up, after the fact. Atlanta is pretty good about letting him enjoy a little peace and quiet.
And, Denzel Washington, who’s here filming “Flight,” showed up at Whiskey Blue on Friday night. That’s the bar at the Buckhead W hotel. He kept a low profile, just sitting with some friends and sipping red wine.
OK, that’s it for now. Back to wrapping presents!