Forbes Leadership Highlights of the Week: Season’s Warnings
Frederick E. Allen, Forbes Staff
But we’re supposed to be merrily donning our party hats right about now, aren’t we? Well, yes, but careful there, too. Susan Adams reminded us of“How Not to Behave at the Christmas Party,” and Jacquelyn Smith added that“Employees Want a Bonus, Not a Holiday Party.”
In company news this week, Rahim Kanani found“Target on Track to Give $1 Billion for Education by 2015.” He also gave us “An Interview With Dell’s Procurement Director on Environmental Sustainability.” Sasha Galbraith talked to “Bayer CropScience’s Sandra Peterson: Successful Woman CEO Navigates in a Man’s World.” Allen Adamson noted that “General Mills Knows Every Package Tells a Story, and It Had Better Be a Good One.”
On the employment front, Erika Morphy revealed“Five Cities for Job Seekers to Try That Aren’t in North Dakota.” Glenn Llopis offered a cautionary “Five Reasons Self-Promotion Is Your Path to Career Demotion.” Susan Adams listed “The Best Big American Companies for LGBT Employees,” and Jacquelyn Smith ranked “The Best Cities for Sales Jobs.” If none of that gets you closer to what you’re looking for, perhaps you’re seeking nothing less than Susan’s “How to Get Paid to Do Nothing.” Oh, but you want to change your life, too? Todd Essig suggests “Five Books to Help You Make the Most of Living.”
Make the most of all the much, much more, beyond all this, that we offer you, too, by checking out the constantly changing and updating array of riches atForbes Leadership. It even beats doing nothing.