Video: Bette Midler – Nanette Part One

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2 thoughts on “Video: Bette Midler – Nanette Part One

  1. “Well then pick your tips up and go hooooome.”

    Just when I think I’ve heard ’em all and seen ’em all and couldn’t freakin adore this woman any more Mr. D pulls out this gem. Don, honey, you truly are DIVINE! Thank you for this.
    I gotta say its so interesting to see and hear a different version of this. I know the L.A.L. version inside and out having gone to sleep with it playing on one of those portable record players in a box with a handle on it to carry it and “disco” lights inside the lid. I had to put a dark towel over them because you couldn’t turn them off and they changed to the beat of the music and if I didn’t and my mom walked by and saw disco lights flashing in my room from under the door (which wasn’t rare just not allowed after 9- you dig?) she knew I was in there listening to Bette over and over and over and over.
    You know, in between that, the disco lights, demanding to be taken to see “Annie” for two birthdays in a row and my enormous Miss Piggy collection you’d think my coming out to her wouldn’t have been such a surprise. I literally thought when I would finally tell her and say “Ma, I’m gay” her reply would have been “Noooooo Shit. Finally. Now get in the car, we’re going antiquing.”
    I am still amazed she had no clue –had no problem with it, just had no clue.
    And I am still amazed by and in love with and can listen to over and over and over again Miss Bette Midler.
    Love it.
    Love her.
    Love you baby cakes!
    And now it is time for Miss Wenda to pick up her tips and go hooooooomme. (da na! )
    XOXO Wenda
    P.S. Hey, btw, is it pick your “tips” up or “tits?” Tips makes sense but Tits makes more Midler. Either way I’ll be saying it in response to everything for the next month and you Miss Bradshaw got the fist one. Lucky. MWAH!

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