Waterloo Courier
Children’s diabetes group gets more than $5 million
October 29, 1990
A star-studded auc t ion and dinner attended by former Presidents Reagan and Ford raised more than $5 million for the Children’s Diabetes Foundation.
The celebrities included Elizabeth Taylor, F r a nk S i n a t r a, A r n o ld Schwa r z enegge r, Faye Dunavway,
Neil Diamond, Paul McCartney and Bette Midler.
S t e v ie Wo n d er w r o te and performed a song for the event t i t l ed “Some Day.” Other f a c es in the
crowd included Paula Abdul, Steven Spielberg, Jack Nicholson, Gregory Peck, Dionne Warwick and Michael Caine.
The benefit itself raised $3 million, said p u b l i c i st L a u r ie D o m i n i c. Investor Marvin Davis, who serves as , who serves as f o u n d a t i on chairman, chipped in an addi t ional $2 mi l l ion, Ms. Dominic said.

Hi Don,
Remember, remember, remember.
This picture? LOL wasn’t this her “Beast of Burden” performance in Germany?I suffer from “part timers”.do I remember well? Bette lip singing ( or how do you say that?), so not her thing, and the boy and girlfriend in shock in first row..ahh
Love Linda
Could be Linda! Could be….xx
Great pic! Not to be salacious, but her heaving charlies are quite the display. I’ve seen her cleavage before, but this is almost a wardrobe malfunction. Go, Bette!