Santa Ana Orange County Register
September 7, 1982
“My big goal is not to die dumb,” says the divine Bette Midler to her questioner, Armistead Maupin, in a new, frank and revealing talk for Interview magazine.
Midler fans should know that the diva has been photographed in four charming poses by Greg Gorman and she looks great.
Of her recently completed movie, “Jinxed,” Bette comments that it was “the worst experience of my entire
life. But it’s a good picture.” When Maupin asks how she coped with a co-star (Ken Wahl) who bad-mouths her to the press, Bette shrugs: “There is nothing one can do except be, you know, dignified. It’s hard to be dignified when one is covered with mud, but I’ve done the best I could.”

Thank you for doing what you do!
Seeing and hearing the old gems still turns me on!
The lesbian fires of my youth still burn strong!
Big Sir
I was going through some of the old stuff today and I was like WUT??? I don’t remember any of that. I’m never going to get it like I want before I die which is still a long way away lol But google has just slowed me down to a standstill. You have to do all these things a certain way that take for ever. Sorry. YOU WERE HERE SO I BITCHED! THANKS AGAIN F0R THE COMPLIMENT