Santa Ana Orange County Register
September 14, 1982
People ma’gazine has disclosed its most recent list of the planet’s best-dressed folk – all celebrities. They include PRINCESS DIANA, PRINCE CHARLES (“classic Savile Row wardrobe”), comedian STEVE MARTIN, movie star BROOKE SHIELDS (“a luxury item”), TV star VICTORIA PRINCIPAL, TV newscasters DIANE SAWYER and PETER JENNINGS, rock singers NINA HAGEN and RICK JAMES, writers TOM WOLFE and JUDITH KRANTZ, child actors GRIFFIN O’NEAL and DREW BARRYMORE, dancer MIKHAIL BARYSHNIKOV, baseball player STEVE GARVEY, golfer JAN
STEPHENSON, actress SOPHIA LOREN and convicted murderer CLAUS VON BULOW. Entertainer BETTE MIDLER was admitted .to the clotheshorse hall of fame along with PRESIDENT and NANCY REAGAN. “Rocky”- maker SYLVESTER STALLONE managed a “most improved” citation, but booby prizes went out to actor TIM HUTTON, U.N. ambassador JEANE KIRKPATRICK, dancer ALEXANDER GODUNOV and starlet PIA ZADORA