Bette: From Broadway to Beaches. Johnnie Walker meets Bette Midler and on that journey discovers how the Hawaiian born Bette went from being voted at school “Miss Talkative” to “the Divine Miss M”. Garnering 3 Golden Globes for her films “The Rose”, “For The Boys” and “Gypsy”. Plus 3 Grammy Awards. She has enjoyed the most varied career and her ability to reach people has helped with her success and you’ll hear throughout the next two hours.
Click On The Blue Link: [wpaudio url=” Midler On Johhny Walker Show.mp3″ text=”Bette Midler On Johhny Walker Show” dl=”0″]
I liked the interview a lot. He (they) made interesting music choices. “Perfect Isn’t Easy” being one of them. It’s incredible how radio is relevant in the UK.
Happy 2015, Mr. D.
Happy New Year Marcos!!!