Santa Ana Orange County Register
November 9, 1996
Bette Midler shattered box-office records at the Orange County Performing Arts Center on Sunday when tickets to the Divine Miss M‘s two December shows went on sale.
Midler fans began camping out at the Costa Mesa center’s box office at 4:30 a.m., center spokesman Greg Patterson said. By 10 a.m., a line wound around the building and remained until midafternoon.
Midler sold 4,716 tickets on Sunday, for receipts of $289,220, far exceeding the center’s previous opening-day sale record of $150,000 for the Kirov BaUetinl991.
About 85 percent of the tickets for Midler’s shows Dec. 3-4 were sold Sunday. The center expects the remaining tickets to be gone by the end of the week. For informaUon, caU (714) 556-2787. To charge tickets by phone, call (714) 740-7878