Lubbock Avalanche Journal
January 19, 1975
When Cher Bono wrapped up taping her first CBS-TV special, she with her steady, David Geffen (and don’t let anyone tell you differently) took off with the likes of none other than her first show guests, Elton John (In kilts and ruffles and of course, with his famous white framed glasses), Bette Midler in drab, and Richard Chamberlain along with a party of “intimates” and entourage to such a port of entertainment as Studio One in West Hollywood. They all danced together and then caught impressionist Lynn Carter
on stage in the Back Lot. What made it amazing was that many of the people crowding the big place didn’t recognize the stars. The put down was when a few did, they were rather sneered at by the Divine Miss M (whom they all apparently adored) and ignored by EJ (Mr. Music Super Star). Happily most were charmed by Chamberlain’s shyness and won over by Cher’s smiles and David’s congeniality.