March for Our Lives Inspire A-Listers to ‘Repost Their Rage’

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March for Our Lives and BBH USA Inspire A-Listers to ‘Repost Their Rage’
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March for Our Lives and BBH USA Inspire A-Listers to ‘Repost Their Rage’

Celebrities including Bette Midler, Elizabeth Banks, and Adam Lambert use social media to remind Americans about the Marjory Stoneman Douglas School shooting

2024 marks the sixth anniversary of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas School shooting in Parkland, Fla. This event shook the nation and created a wave of anger over gun control reform, rallying America’s youth and prompting the first March for Our Lives event in Washington, DC.

In a new ‘Repost your Rage’ campaign from March for Our Lives in partnership with BBH USA, celebrities including Bette Midler, Elizabeth Banks, and Adam Lambert used their influence on social media to remind the nation of the anger felt about Parkland. These influential voices reshared their posts from 2018 with new statistics about American gun violence, paired with calls to action to promote involvement with March For Our Lives.

Bette Midler posted: Since this tweet, over 260,000 lives have been lost to gun violence. If the ‘spineless cowards’ won’t do anything, we must bring back our collective outrage. It’s an election year. Now’s the time to show candidates that gun violence is still a vital issue

Elizabeth Banks posted “It’s been six years since the shooting in Parkland that took 17 lives and injured 17 others. Since then, more than 262,000 Americans have lost their lives to gun violence.”

Adam Lambert shared “It’s an election year, and it’s time to reignite our rage.”

VP Kamala Harris posted “six years ago, students organised @AMarch4OurLives and inspired a movement…to these young leaders, I am proud to continue the fight alongside you,” following her visit to Marjory Stoneman Douglas. From these posts, “Repost your Rage” is reigniting a nationwide push for gun reform.

With over 1300 X retweets and over 4,000 posts in the first 24 hours alone, the campaign continues to build momentum without a single media dollar spent. In the coming weeks, BBH USA and March for Our Lives will reply to renewed rage about gun violence to re-ignite users’ passion for change. BBH USA will use AI to calculate how many lives are lost between each reshared tweet.

“We cannot simply wait for children and young people to die before we stand up and speak out on gun violence,” said Natalie Fall, executive director of March For Our Lives. “We’ve made tremendous progress in the six years since Americans joined us for the historic March For Our Lives, but there is far more still to go. This campaign is simple but exceedingly powerful – remind Americans of the rage they felt in 2018 in each of their own words. Rekindling that memory of utter anger and determination for change, we’ll flood the internet with the feelings folks felt after that first March in 2018 and force our leaders to confront the crisis of gun violence in this critical election year. We’re proud to work with our friends at BBH, who are uniquely suited to bring this bold idea to life and to reactivate countless Americans once again to fight the scourge of gun violence.”

“This is the sixth anniversary of March For Our Lives and the shooting at Parkland. Since 2018, the rate of gun violence has steadily climbed, and the safety of our children has continued to erode. We can’t keep quiet,” said Erica Roberts, Chief Creative Officer of BBH USA. “Historically, the conversation around this issue only spikes after a mass shooting. Our goal with ‘Repost your Rage’ is to reignite the country’s outrage around gun safety peacefully.”

In addition to encouraging users to ‘Repost their Rage’ directly, the campaign debuted a 60-second film and social assets posted directly to March for Our Lives social channels.

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