Bette Does An Impromptu Book Signing Last Night

Mister D: If Miss M does this again tell her Mister D from BLB says “hello” and get an extra smile!

Approximately 400 lucky Bette Midler fans got a priceless treat last night, when the Divine Miss M decided to hold a surprise book signing after her critically-acclaimed production “The Showgirl Must Go On” at the Colosseum at Caesars Palace.

Bette made the announcement to her audience that evening and was greeted to a massive line when she appeared on The Colosseum steps. From about 10 p.m. until 2 a.m., Midler signed autographs for customers who purchased her book “The Adventures of Baby Divine” (Mister D: Should be “The Saga Of Baby Divine” – good catch Scott) and her new greatest hits CD “Jackpot” among other items available at her stage-side boutique.

“The Showgirl Must Go On” plays five nights per week until July 20. The show resumes on October 9.

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23 thoughts on “Bette Does An Impromptu Book Signing Last Night

  1. I was there last night! I’ve been a huge fan of hers for such a long time, and it was such a surprise. I flew 2,000 miles just to see her Tuesday night show, which was fantastic, and I stumbled upon a sign that mentioned the book signing for Wednesday night outside her store. I got there at 8:00 Wednesday night and managed to be the fourth person to get an autograph and talk to Bette. Well, she did the talking because I was a f’ing nervous wreck and couldn’t hardly speak. Anyway, she was kind enough to sign my concert tickets, as well as my book. She looked fabulous, as always, and is such a truly kind person! She really is “The People’s Diva”!!!!!!!!!

  2. Sorry Don for that second submit. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing……..I’m exhausted and still excited, all at once. I have to say that I love your website! You’ve provided me with lots of great “Tid Bette’s” over the years. Thanks Don!!!!!!

  3. Wait… there is a reprint of baby divine for sale??? holy crap!! I got my copy from someone on Ebay like a billion years ago after they were already out of print! I am soooo getting a fresh new copy when I am in vegas NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSS!! And, her CD is available in vegas but nowhere else??? That’s awesome as well! those lucky people!! i wonder what prompted the generosity?? 2am is much too late for my girl to be up… she needs her beauty sleep, doncha know!! and surely they must’ve cut the line off at 200, b/c if she announced it at her show, i would’ve thought every stinking person who was there would have tried to get in that line!! they are MORONS if they didn’t!! you do not DARE pass up a chance to meet DIVINITY!! come ON! 🙂 man… too bad i didn’t go to vegas a couple weeks earlier!! oh well! 😉

  4. Yes….I thought I had mentioned that before about the book and CD. So if not, they are both there in mint condition at the Bette store….

    Katrin talked to Kamilah about the interview and she said “yes”, so I just have to figure out the best time to do it. I think we’ll do it closer to the release of her CD. But say hi to her anyway….

    Love, D

  5. Arg…I was just there last weekend!!!!! I wish she would have done that then…I would have died for sure. Even though I didn’t stay at Caesar’s, I was hanging out enough at her boutique that I would have probably been first in line. Dang.

    But congrats Andrea- that is really awesome!!!

  6. That’s so awesome!
    Understandably, I’m completely jealous of everyone who was there; but considering it’s not in the NYC area, I cannot be too mad since it would geographically difficult for me to be there otherwise.

    Andrea, lucky chance being there that. I’m so glad you got to meet her AND see her show. I was very nervous when I met her as well a couple of years ago. She was so nice, but I know I just babbled like an idiot (not something I do around most celebs). But hey, she’s Bette. 😉

    If anyone has photos from the signing, please share.

  7. LOL…I completely understand. I don’t function well in the mornings, but you did quite well!


  8. LMAO I also ended the second paragraph’s first sentence with an unnecessary preposition.

    I edit for a living! You would think I would check before posting. *sigh*

  9. Wow….you edit! I should send you my memoir when I finish it…yay I know an editor now….

    Love, D

  10. Ha. You COULD but I don’t edit books, so I’m useless in that dept. Though I do have a friend in Publishing, so I’d be glad to help.

    Nope, I edit music facts for in-demand music TV channels.

  11. Congratulations Andrea, I’m so happy for you!!!. I think Bette is not only Divine, she is also so kind and generous……. Xtine, I wish I had been there too….. I understand you very well!!, Just an opportunity to show her the love and admiration you feel………

    Bette, I love you.


  12. That’s so cool Xtine …. I’d love to do some kind of work like that. But I’m sure like any other job it’s hard. It just sounds interesting…..D

  13. It’s pretty interesting.

    Now I get to write fun things like, “Bette Midler surprised fans at her Las Vegas show, “The Showgirl Must Go On,” July 11, 2008 by signing copies of her book”
    Or something to that effect. Probably mention the title of the book. I have to word it so it fits our system.

    But then it’s like free publicity for Bette’s book as well 🙂

  14. Playing devils advocate and not editor Don…lol – ET misquoted the title of the book as “Adventure” not “Saga” of Baby Divine.

  15. I could just say OMG a million times to sum up the experience, but I will spill all the details I can recall. Brace yourself. This is kind of long.
    What a treat! What a freakishly exciting bonus to meet (MEET!!!) the Divine Miss M at her book signing in Las Vegas after the show. I planned this trip back in April. We had no idea there would be this book signing! I don’t even know if it was even publicized outside of Cesar’s Palace. We couldn’t believe our ears when Bette says (paraphrased) “…so I’ll see you outside after the show!”
    So about 300 people all have thier story, but here’s mine: We were towards the very end of this massive line. Two and a half hours of waiting and Miss Midler was as gracious and sincere as she was tired. While purchasing my book someone said they heard she was only going to sign for an hour. The line was already a mile long. Should I spend the $75 on two books and two programs?? I’m so glad I did, because while in line a really spunky usher named “Sharon” kept going up and down the line reporting that Bette promises to sign everyones books and for us to hang in there. At this point we were about 10 people from the end of a line that had moved maybe 4 feet in twenty minutes.
    It was worth every minute of waiting.
    Miss Midler took the time to chat with everyone. When it was our turn—hours after she began, you could tell she was pooped. Her voice was a little hoarse. It was nearly midnight when it finally was our turn. I asked an usher how many people there had been so far. She had a counter and told me I was number 263 or something. At this point there were about 25 people behind us and I think they finally cut it off.
    That amazing woman was out there within 15 minute of her two hour show and must have been there for at least another 40 minutes after WE left. That’s why we love her, isn’t it?
    Bette looked fabulous. We wanted to say something she hadn’t heard a million times from a fan, but could only come up with telling her that we saw her about 10 yrs. ago at the Anaheim “Pond” for my 40th b-day. She rolled her eyes and made a comment about her age, and we both pounced in and told her how gorgeous she looked. (And she did!) She just laughed it off and said “Oh! It’s the rhinestones!” We thanked her profusely for hanging in to sign everyone’s stuff (and by the way people had purchased multiple items to sign, so do the math.)You’d think it would have felt long and grueling for everyone to hang in for nearly 3 hours, but it was like a little party. Even the ushers and crowd were upbeat until the end. It could not have been better.
    I asked one usher if they thought she would do this again. She looked up and down the line and said “Uh, I don’t think so” But,who knows? I don’t know how one would find out.
    Another fortuitous moment~~and unplanned perk of being at the end of that line: About 40 minutes into waiting, Toni Basil(the shows choreographer and, in case you’re trying to place her, the singer of the iconic song “Oh Mickey You’re so Fine”) made several passes in and out of a stage entrance. I was the only one who recognized her. On her third pass I stopped her to compliment her on the show and thank her for her work. She graciously signed our programs and accepted our blathering compliments. I was awestruck! I think she was a little surprised to be recognized as well, as she had walked by the line three times and hadn’t been stopped or recognized.
    I live in So. Ca. but am not a Vegas fan. This was my first visit to Vegas in over 30 years. The minute I heard Bette was taking over at Cesar’s I started planning this trip. Who knew it would be so memorable?! And as if her spectacular show wasn’t enough, to come home with bragging rights that I MET her at an impromptu book signing???? Sigh! It just doesn’t get any better.
    Someone posted a request for photos. They didn’t allow photos except from afar. The book signing area was roped off about 25 feet from the casino floor. She sat behind a table set up in front of the theater entrance. You could only get a picture from the other side of the rope before or after you got your book signed and if you had a really good zoom. Even then she’s so tiny she was being swallowed by the table and you’d have to catch a peek of her her between the backsides of the folks streaming past the signing table. My camera died on me (damn!) so I didn’t even get one grainy, under lit picture. One of the gals we made friends with in line promised she’d email me the pix she took.
    What a dream-like experience this was. It’s been four days and I’m still on a cloud.
    Bette, we love ya’ (more than ever!!)


  16. Vicki. SO glad to hear another story from Bette’s signing! It was a trip of a lifetime, wasn’t it?! I have been a die hard fan for 25 years. I love sharing my story of that night…meeting Bette. I have a few pictures from that night. Thay are not great, distant and fuzzy, but they are a good rememberance. If you or anyone else would like them, you can email me at I’d be happy to share them!!!!

  17. Andrea, Thanks for the offer (pictures)I will email you later. After I posted, I looked at the link attached to eric’s post (post #16) His friend got a pretty good picture. You should check it out.
    Yes!! It WAS a trip of a lifetime. So you didn’t know about the signing until you got to Vegas either?! Doesn’t that make it all the more special? LOVE IT!!
    I love what you said about her being the people’s Diva. SO true. You were at the head of the line and I was at the tail end, yet we both found her to be just as charming, humble and gracious.
    I’ve been a big fan for a looong while as well. “Friends” is one of those songs that takes me back to my earliest memories of her back when I was in high school and had to listen to it literally hundreds of times in rehearsal, yet, I never tired of it. The “Lockers” (w.Toni Basil) hit it big in the late 70’s as well, so meeting Ms. Basil was a huge treat.

  18. I cannot believe how lucky I am!
    Unexpectedly, the book signing event was just happened on the next day I arrived at LV,
    and I’ve seen the show on July 8th, so I could be there pretty early on July 9th (I cut the spamalot of my schedule)
    I was the 7th person in line. SO LUCKY.
    I met the Divine Miss M herself and shaked her hand and got her autography.
    She is so warm and nice,
    I was overwhelmed with joy when I saw her writing my name in person…
    OMG, just like in my dream….
    the 13-hour-long flight(from Taiwan), nearly 3000-dollar cost
    that’s all worthwhile!!!

    Thank Mister D a lot for his information of the show!!!
    The show is SOOOOOOOOOOOO great!!!
    I definitely will go back to LV to see her again next year.

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