Bette Hosts Book Signing Tonight In Vegas!

Caesars Palace headliner Bette Midler, dining Monday at just-opened Sea Harbour, Caesars Palace’s newest restaurant. Midler is hosting a book-signing of her best-selling children’s book, “The Saga of Baby Divine,” tonight in front of The Colosseum entrance immediately after her show there …make sure to tell Miss M I said “hello”

Also, if anyone could get me a signed copy I would gladly reimburse you for the book and shipping.
Thanks in advance….

Love, Mister D

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9 thoughts on “Bette Hosts Book Signing Tonight In Vegas!

  1. I just saw Bette’s show last night in Vegas (4th row seats in front orchestra section 3 right on the aisle by section 4…they were great seats…Bette was like 15 ft away…it was awesome!!) Imagine my dismay when I discovered she’d be doing her book signing Dec 3….the day I was flying back home!!! I also missed out on catching one of her ball thingies that she threw out in the audience…wouldn’t you know it, one of them ended up in the man’s hands who was sitting right behind me!! Then to make things even worse, Bette sang White Christmas as her closing song and came out in the audience, shaking people’s hands….guess where???? Between sections 4 and 5!!! Aargh!!!! So close and yet so far!!! She did not come down the aisle between sections 4 and 3!!! I was quite bummed about those 3 things, but having seats so close to the stage was really so wonderful. I am still very excited about seeing Bette that close!!

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