25 Questions For BetteHead Actress Anna Kendrick

Marie Claire
Anna Kendrick Doesn’t Remember Her First Kiss
Nov 11, 2016


1. If I weren’t an actress, I’d be: A mediocre pastry chef.

2. Best career advice I’ve gotten: Don’t have a backup plan. (This was also the worst career advice I’ve gotten.)

3. Moment I felt I made it: When President Obama knew my name. (Yes, an aide probably told him my name—don’t take this away from me!)

4. Kind of work I’d do for free: Professional puppy pillow.

5. Favorite perk of the job: Meeting my heroes.

6. Worst pitfall of the job: I’ve usually got a mic pack jammed between my legs.

7. What my career looks like in 5 years: Hopefully something like Betty White‘s career.

8. Change I’d like to see in my industry: I’d like to see the return of the mid-range-budget drama.

9. Who I admire and why: Bette Midler. Because Bette Midler.

10. Last thing I binge-watched: Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Old-school Joss Whedon gives me life.

11. Book that left a lasting impression on me: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time [by Mark Haddon.] Read it in one sitting when I was 19, and I think about it to this day.

12. Song that always makes me cry: James Taylor’s “Fire and Rain.”

13. Movie with the greatest ending: In Bruges.

14. First album I bought: Janet Jackson, Janet.

15. On my bucket list: I’d like to get a tan without burning and peeling first. Just once. Please?

16. My perfect day would begin: With something involving maple syrup.

17. My perfect day would end: Same answer.

18. Superhero power I’d want to have: The ability to do my laundry on a schedule instead of waiting until I’m out of underwear. Is that not a superhero power? Then explain to me why I can’t seem to do it!!

19. How I clear my mind after a crappy day: Reorganizing something that was perfectly fine to begin with.

20. If I could compete in an Olympic sport, I’d like it to be: A rhythmic gymnast, because I enjoy playing with long ribbons more than most cats.

21. Beauty essential you have to pry out of my cold, dead hands: ExfoliKate, game changer.

22. My first kiss: I don’t remember. Does that mean I’m dead inside?

23. Advice to a woman with a broken heart: Pull apart two Double Stuf Oreos. Put the two sides with cream on them together. Consume. Repeat.

24. Relationship advice to my younger self: “You’re allowed to speak around guys you like. You should try it.”

25. What my high school boyfriend would say about me: Well, he was imaginary so let me know if you figure out how to get in touch.

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