Mister D: This is from The Showgirl Page along with the first clue to the next giveaway — they are even using our lingo…BetteHeads:
Bette Midler The Showgirl Must Go On You guys are smart. We had just about 180 correct answers. All those who guessed Oliver & Company should pay special attention to this week’s clues (starting Wed.). But don’t submit answers until all clues are posted Friday. I need to think of a hard one to try to stump you Bette-heads!! 🙂
Bette Midler The Showgirl Must Go On Clue #1 Okay I’m hoping to stump you guys this week. Today’s clue is Garland. Two more clues coming (one tomorrow and one Friday) and then the guessing can begin. And, remember, don’t give any hints! Good luck
so i’m confused…if we guessed the right answer last week we have to get part 2 right also to be entered to win? am i correct?
That…I am confused about too. We need to ask the moderator of the Bette page. Or it may be they will announce both winners after both contests are through….