50 + Magazine: teaching old dogs new tricks (Thanks Cris…LOL)

Online magazine article on sex after 50 reccommends teaching old dogs new

50plus Online Magazine (www.50plusMag.com) attracts intelligent boomers,
young seniors and recent retirees. The new edition is online now. Featured
articles include the rarely discussed, “Sex Lives of Those Beyond 50”; “Bette Midler: Naughty and Bawdy as Ever”; and a boomers caustic demand, “Call Us (Almost) Anything but Old.”

(PRWEB) June 5, 2004–Keeping true to its reputation, 50plus Online Magazine
(also known as 50plusMag.com) continues to run cutting edge articles that deal with contemporary issues approached from a 50+ perspective.

“You won’t find articles about retirement villages or tips on how to deal with your arthritis” says editor Gary Geyer. “We gear our magazine to boomers, young seniors and recent retirees –most of whom prefer to go kicking and screaming into the senior category.”

One of this month’s featured articles is “The Sex Lives of Those Beyond 50.”
It discusses in frank language, a rarely talked about subject. Another article called “Bette Midler: Naughty and Bawdy as Ever,” comes with a disclaimer to those who might be offended by “blue” humor. There is also a caustic article from a boomer entering the 50+ group titled, “Call Us (Almost)Anything but Old. The fourth new article is on something really surprising — “Gray Gamers: Grandparents 50+ who are into Video Games.”

“Getting new readers to our site is the challange. Once people discover us,
the word of mouth is gratifying,” adds Geyer.

50plus online is almost 3 years old. Each month it features someone, usually
a celebrity, who is 50+ and newsworthy. Recent editions have had articles on
Christopher Reeve, Keith Richards, Lily Tomlin and Steve Martin.

“We try to always have an article dealing with sex. Sex is somthing still
very much on the minds of those 50+. We get the most correspondence on those articles. In spite of what younger people might think, sex is still very
much on our minds,” says Geyer.

50plus Mag has recently started a section called 50+Friendly. It’s a paid
listing of establishments that would like to be known as ones that know how
to treat those over 50. Everything from restaurants, hotels, resorts, car
companies, dentists, cosmetic surgeons, you name it.

Right now, the listing only includes places in Orange County in California
but the goal is to take it nationwide.

“We’re trying to build a sales rep group to sell space on the site. Not ads,
just a listing that includes a few lines of explanatory copy. In fact, if
anyone knows of someone who is capable of setting up and heading a sales
force, we’d appreciate you passing along this press release.” says Geyer.

“Please forgive me for issuing a PR release that ends with a want ad,” Geyer

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