Mister D: Thanks to Albert again!
Here is the advertising verbatim as it appeared in a quarter page ad on page #26 (July 30th, 2004) of today’s “Weekend” section pullout of the Miami Herald…you can’t find print ads on the net:
“Coming Soon!
Bette Midler
Kiss My Brass! Tour
Tickets On Sale Monday,
August 16! “
It has a great pic of Bette with her hand in the air from about her waist up with
her little sailor hat and suit on and microphone in hand.
I doubt it’s for last year’s concert, that never was advertised that early (some people mistakenly wrote in thinking this…but they don’t get the Miami Herald.)
And this ad does say Monday the 16th, which is correct.
And yes, it’s true TicketMaster often sells tix on Saturday, but as an ex-Ticketmaster employee….that is definitely not a rule….there were many Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays when we sold tickets….and how I loathed those days….LOL
Also…Ticketmaster people will be the last to know anything….just remember last year….
So…get ready again…it’s time to Kiss Bette’s Brass! Again…
Love, Mister D