Thanks to all who wrote in about Bette being on Entertainment Tonight on Wednesday (check your local listings). She’ll be interviewed by another Queen, Cojo (congrats on your good health comeback)- they’ll talk about plastic surgery and how this new show is probably her dirtiest show yet!
Toni Basil will be the guest of “The Strip Podcast Blog”….and if I’m not mistaken, it is LIVE this Tuesday night…or by the time you read this…TONIGHT! Here is the link – don’t be afraid to participate – I’ve met Ms. Basil (she’s hard only on her dancers) a couple of times and she’s a real sweetheart…: Click Here
I am really behind on emails and will try to catch up starting tomorrow. All emails will be answered except for any mean ones!!!! 🙂
Love, Mister D
Please, someome generous…., The Entertainment Tonight on Youtube!!!. It’s so hard from Spain!!. Love,
Eze (-:
By the way, I love this photo!!!!!!!!!!!!,
I’m sure someone will have it up. Seems others are faster than me, so I just wait now….LOL xxx000