Tonight at 6:30 (GMT -5 Timezone) we welcome a new site to the Bette Midler Community – Norbi’s “The Bette Midler Site”
And let me tell you, this site may be so awesome that I might just have to retire graciously. I haven’t seen the full version yet, but it is said to be fabulous. There will also be a message board which we’ve been missing for quite some time. So be sure to visit there tonight.
Here is the link:
Everybody wish Norbi good luck with the opening!
Love, Mister D
Yeah, just fade away graciously…that`s what we`ve been hearing by someone,whose name I won`t (I will only she she`s got a birthday today…). AND, I honestely don`t belive either of you! LOL! 😛
oops…wrong preposition: “hearing from someone”. LOL!
Don, you’re not retiring and no site can make you!
I just can’t live without my daily dose of BLB…
So stop thinking about retiring, please 🙂
I’m getting too old for this shit! LOL Plus, I’m tired…but those could be the sleeping pills I took lasr night….:-)
Not retiring, but probably should….
Love, Me
You’re right Katrin!!!
What an amazing gift to every Bette Fan! I can’t wait to see the site 😉
But it will never replace BLB, that’s for sure, we won’t let you rest Mister D 😀
I Also Agree I Think The Other Site Is Awesome But blb will always be #1 Go Mr. D
Nothing can replace the original home of the BetteHeads. I will always come here first! You better not retire Don!
I will be around as long as I’m healthy enough. I meant that as kind of a joke. Norbi’s site is beautiful, but we’re both trying to do different things. I wish him all the luck. And I need to get my lily white ass over there and register….ya’ll are all too sweet.
Love, Mister D
Sure the BLB is the #1, what would be without our Don and our Bootleg Betty? 🙂 The site will complete soon,, and Don.. i hope that u can help me bout the site, i’ll write u a mail about this… 🙂
Mr D,
BLB is very close to my heart so please don’t retire! 🙂 🙂 🙂 we love you!!!
I was just playing around about retiring. I have a feeling I’ll be doing this for a long time. But thanks for the nice compliment…