I Heart NYC! Don’t you? Show it this Valentine’s day by funding an NYC tree ”“ great gift for your valentine: ”¦ http://say.ly/tSq53Kg
Hubris “R” Us: Academy members STILL hopping mad about e-voting; demand and get paper ballots.
Sorry, had to show you this, I know it’s old but… Did E-Voting Help Suppress the Powerful Oscar Codger Vote? http://www.vulture.com/2013/01/did-e-voting-lift-southern-wild-into-the-oscars.html ”¦ @vulture
Codger voting!! Outta my way, or I’ll hit you with my cane!!
Grim day. Chaos in Egypt and Chris Brown hit Frank Ocean. I have to seriously weigh these incidents. Sometimes one feels so helpless.
Surprise, my partner @ParentalGMovie Billy Crystal stopped in to say hello during a rehearsal…looks like he’s scouting B’way theaters….