Mister D: This is meant exclusively for Betteheads only. I was contacted by the Graham Norton Show. If you want to be part of the audience, act now!
The incredible legend that is Bette Midler will be on The Graham Norton Show on BBC1 in the UK next Wednesday 17th Nov (filmed in London). She will be chatting to Graham and singing live!
If you would like to apply for tickets for the exclusive audience please email: info@sotelevision.co.uk
Just in case tell them Bootleg Betty sent you….I’ll be talking with them this weekend…before Burlesque….
Limited availability DEADLINE: 12pm Tuesday 16th Nov
Love, Mister D
I just emailed them! Fingers crossed, god knows how i would get to london but i’ll find a way!! lol
Fingers, toe…..everything crossed!!! lol
You can do it…they really want the fans there….spread the word…
i’ve just emailed for tickets
Cool…please spread the word to other Betteheads you know….
I have done. Trying not to get my hopes up lol But already looked at transport and hotels. My one chance to finally get to see her!!! 😀
Good luck!!!!
will the Graham Norton show air here in the US? I think BBC America carries it.
I don’t know. They are going to call me back to talk to me and I’ll ask if I remember….
Doh didnt say I was a bettehead- i maybe would have had a better chance of getting tickets- should i email again?
I don’t think it matters….just in case say Bettehead or Bootleg Betty sent me….
or you can fill in the form here: http://www.sroaudiences.com/
ahhhhh thanks Mr D I may email again!
Thanks you mr d for the link
i have also email for my tickets too
Great Paul….good luck!!!
Mr D do you what else Bette will be doing yet in the Uk?
No…I sure don’t. I’ll see if I can find out anything else…
maybe Paul O Grady, Loose Women, Daybreak or This Morning, who knows
Lucky you, UK Betteheads!!! Mr. D., you are so cooool!!! If I could, I would have flown to UK right now!!! (If I still have the time and $$ LOL!)
Mr. D:) what is our chance here in the U.S. to be able to see this?
I’m so happy for all of you:) Nicola, this is your chance! Share with us the story ok:)
I think the chances are pretty good at some point. Many of us get his channel on satellite. I just don’t know how recent the episodes are….
I’m saying my pray’s that I’ll get ticket for the show, I kinda promise to be good for the rest of the year!!
I’m sure you’ll be fine…
I just emailed for tickets. I SO hope I can go!! I love her!
Erik….what;s your last name?