Bette Tweets: Dems Convention, Pot Pies, Lord & Taylor’s, Oh My!

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler

Chicken pot pie weather! The remnant of Isaac is blowing up from the South…I’ll be in bed with the DNC and CPP, gonna be a windy night.

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler

Jesse Jackson and a Jew! I may have to sit down!!

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler

Well!! “Obama has earned every gray hair on his head!! Let’s fight for him as hard as he’s fighting for us!!”. Mayor Rybak of Minneapolis

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler

Rhetorically, the Dems are mopping the floor w/ the GOP. And this is only the first day. The chicken pot pie was sensational, BTW. Proud!!

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler

Mitt would “fire the reindeer and outsource the Elves” A good one!!! “where your treasure is, there is your heart”… Mitt’s heart @Caymans

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler

Oh dear. I ate the whole thing.

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler

And the peach crumble too. Saw Jaimie Lee Curtis today @zitomers; laughed my fanny off. She has a new children’s book…hope it’s a hit..

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler

Love @Lord&Taylor…such great service and no crowds, and honestly? Kinda chic…thank you to everyone who was so sweet to me today…

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler

I HATE outsourcing!! Off with their heads!!!

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler

Wow!! Lilly Ledbetter herself; unbelievable, and a sensational speaker. Fantastic!

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler

Excuse please, growing backbone!! NOW!! Go, Deval!!

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler

America’s children too! More wiping of the floor w/GOP!! Loving it, and loving Deval. The Dems are fantastic tonight.

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler

It really is shocking now that the government sent all those people to college after WWII. Congress would never do that today.

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler

Who is coaching these folks? Awards all around!!! Love the signs, brilliant .

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler

The only state that still has bootstraps! TEXAS! And we expect folks to pull themselves up by ’em!

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