Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler
Chicken pot pie weather! The remnant of Isaac is blowing up from the South…I’ll be in bed with the DNC and CPP, gonna be a windy night.
Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler
Jesse Jackson and a Jew! I may have to sit down!!
Well!! “Obama has earned every gray hair on his head!! Let’s fight for him as hard as he’s fighting for us!!”. Mayor Rybak of Minneapolis
Rhetorically, the Dems are mopping the floor w/ the GOP. And this is only the first day. The chicken pot pie was sensational, BTW. Proud!!
Mitt would “fire the reindeer and outsource the Elves” A good one!!! “where your treasure is, there is your heart”… Mitt’s heart @Caymans
Oh dear. I ate the whole thing.
And the peach crumble too. Saw Jaimie Lee Curtis today @zitomers; laughed my fanny off. She has a new children’s book…hope it’s a hit..
Love @Lord&Taylor…such great service and no crowds, and honestly? Kinda chic…thank you to everyone who was so sweet to me today…
I HATE outsourcing!! Off with their heads!!!
Wow!! Lilly Ledbetter herself; unbelievable, and a sensational speaker. Fantastic!
Excuse please, growing backbone!! NOW!! Go, Deval!!
America’s children too! More wiping of the floor w/GOP!! Loving it, and loving Deval. The Dems are fantastic tonight.
It really is shocking now that the government sent all those people to college after WWII. Congress would never do that today.
Who is coaching these folks? Awards all around!!! Love the signs, brilliant .
The only state that still has bootstraps! TEXAS! And we expect folks to pull themselves up by ’em!