PSA Alert: Got Your 6 is a collective impact campaign devoted to changing the conversation around veterans in America.
Please join Anne Hathaway, Anna Kendrick, Harrison Ford, Bradley Cooper, Gabourey Sidibe, Martin Sheen, Bette Midler, Sally Field, Jason Sudeikis, Goldie Hawn, and Glenn Close to “Wage Good” and show our nation’s veterans support!
Got Your 6 is not a charity for veterans, but rather a movement designed to empower veterans and challenge them to convert their leadership and operational training into positive civilian roles in communities nationwide.
This is an effort to bridge the civilian-military divide by advancing the conversation in America, so that veterans and military families are perceived as leaders and civic assets and NOT charity cases.
Got Your 6 combines the reach and resources of the top American entertainment studios, networks, and agencies with the expertise and commitment of 30 expert non-profit organizations who focus on specific areas of veteran reintegration.As our service members were taught to wage war, they were also taught to wage leadership”¦ and loyalty”¦ and teamwork. They were also trained to wage compassion and problem solving. They were taught to wage good. Join Got Your 6 to empower returning veterans and military families, and help Wage Good.
Got Your 6 is a campaign that unites the entertainment industry with top veteran-focused nonprofit organizations. The goal of the campaign is to bridge the civilian-military divide by creating a new conversation in America, so that veterans and military families are perceived as leaders and civic assets.
Got Your 6 ensures that our military veterans return home to be seen as leaders and assets
Got Your 6 creates opportunities for veterans and civilians to join together to reinvigorate our communities
Got Your 6 inspires Americans to understand the unique challenges and opportunities our veterans face upon their return
Got Your 6 provides tools, platforms, and resources that Americans can use to better understand veteran and military culture
Got Your 6 embodies–for all Americans–the values of duty, selfless service, and mutual respect upheld by those who have served in our military

I hope that she doen’t do this. She is a freaking legend, not a has been. Bette, look at Cher and Streisand,SMH. I love Bette but come on! Don’t embarss me, please!
What if it’s an HBO project?
Miss M doesn’t look so good in this. Why, on Earth, this project is called Got Your 6?!
Would you be more clear with it being an HBO project?
I don’t know if it’s for HBO or not. There are other cable channels.
Their website seems legitimate. But I, for one, wouldn’t like a former military leader. Military leadership is not based on democracy. There’s no democracy in the military. So many other causes for The Divine One to be involved in.
They’re trying to get veterans involved in their community in a healthy way. I can see why she would do this.