Partners In Time Genetics, life experience and good ol’-fashioned discipline– each plays a role in how you look as you get older.

Age: 57



MARRIAGES One; husband is performance artist Martin von Hasselberg, 54

KIDS Daughter Sophie, 16

KUDOS Three Grammys, three Emmys, one Tony

FITNESS Routine has included one hour of cardio and weight training, six days a week

BEAUTY Uses Senna Hydraserum ampules for skin hydration and Jyta Aoxa ampules for plumping; gets regular facials

Ariel Foxman, Gita Reddy, Suzanne Zuckerman, Partners In Time Genetics, life experience and good ol’-fashioned discipline– each plays a role in how you look as you get older. These women prove that a variety of backgrounds can yield a similar r. , In Style, 06-01-2003

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