Altoona Mirror
May 12, 1997
Q: How do you have a happy marriage when you’re more famous than your partner?
Bette Midler, married for 12 years to Martin von Haselberg: Separate vacations! Welt I think we’re committed We should be committed! No, we’re committed to it. We’re in for the long haul And you don’t really get to know a person untH you’ve been with them a long time. And we don’t really know each other yet. I mean, even though it’s been 12 years, every day is another revelation. Every day, I’m telling you, ifs a struggle. It hasn’t been easy. We’ve had a lot of rough patches. But who hasn’t? The main thing is that we didn’t give up. We didn’t say, “Oh, this is too hard. I don’t need this.” You do need it. You have to keep going. So we did.