From the Concord Records email newsletter sent out Nov. 18:
“Join Barry Manilow and some special friends, including Bette Midler, Clay Aiken and Diane Schuur, for his Christmas Special on A&E in December. ”
And this is what Manilow Elf was told when A & E was contacted:
The show will be called The Barry Manilow Christmas Live by Request Special. It will be taped – live I presume [with apparent taped clips per other info we have about Bette and Diane Schuur] – on Friday night, Dec. 5th at 8 p.m. in NYC. The taping Location has not been finalized.
Take what you can from this…as more facts come in I’ll post. Bette’s segment could be taped for all we know….
Thanks to Kimberly and Manilow Elf for keeping the Betteheads informed…LOL
Love. Mister D