Bette News From The (Y)UK (Thank you David)

David, from the U.K., wrote in to inform all of us that the BBC radio (via the internet) will be…

The Time Is Nigh For The Land Of Oz

Painting: Tom Miro Just wanted to get this on-line before the shows started in Australia to drum up even more…

HUH? Bette Once Dated Harvey Weinstein?

Mister D: My friend Mark wrote me to say that the person Molly was probably referring to was Aaron Russo…

Mister D Sings Miss M

I just put up all of my interpretations of Miss M songs that I have recorded over the years on…

Couple of More Polls Up!

I put a couple of new polls up to catch up with my goal of 4 polls per month. Many…

KMB: Biggest Production Ever Rigged In Brisbane

The Courier Mail Brassy Bette enjoys being toast of the town Erica Thompson 06apr05 AUSTRALIA got its first glimpse of…


I don’t know about you guys and gals, but lately I have read actual reviews of the movie, “Meet The…

Rove Live And Molly Meldrum ( Thanks so much Kirsty and Angela)

Well, I’m starting to get familiar with some of the popular chat hosts in Oz…I can’t keep up with the…

Correction On More Aussie Appearances

Angela, from “Istanbul, not Constantinople,” was kind enough to write in to let us know that Bette will be on…

Win A ” Meet And Greet With Bette”

You read it right!!! Win A " Meet And Greet With Bette" (Australia Shows...Hope A BetteHead Wins!!!)

Interview Clips

Mister D: In one of these interview clips, Bette mentions working with Amanda Marmot on developing a movie…a remake of…

More KMB Down Under Info and Pix

Photo: Tim Winborne Darrell was kind enough to send me this information that someone had sent him. It’s from an…