Mister D: From what I’ve noticed, these scores change depending on who’s playing at the time. Currently Bette’s on vaykay from Vegas and Cher is not….whatever. JMO
(Baltoboy Steve sent me this photo. It said it was a pic of Bette and Cher in 1972 from The Sonny and Cher show. I never have heard of this. Anybody else think this is photoshopped???? I don’t know, but I like the photo….)
Top Vegas Events
Week Ending 08/17/2008
Mon, Aug 18th 2008 9:56 am EST
Event Score
1 Cher Tickets 56.45
2 Bette Midler: The ShowGirl Must Go On Tickets 18.28
3 Elton John: The Red Piano Tickets 5.63
4 Cirque du Soleil: “O” Tickets 5.47
5 Cirque du Soleil: The Beatles: LOVE Tickets 2.43
6 Blue Man Group Tickets 1.88
7 Danny Gans Tickets 1.82
8 Cirque du Soleil: KÀ Tickets 1.13
9 Le Rêve Tickets 1.13
10 Jersey Boys Tickets 0.94
Where is this picture from?? i dont’ think i’ve ever seen it. Is it from when Bette was on Cher’s show?
Steve, I’m as clueless as you are about this pic. Baltoboy Steve sent it to me. He found it on Getty images and it said Bette Midler and Cher, 1972, The Sonny and Cher show, but I have never heard anything about her doing that.
And so help me…if Baltoboy photoshopped this I will kill him! 🙂 But I don’t think it is.
The only other thing I can think of is that it was something cut out or they decided to go with different costumes for the Trashy Ladies segment.
But I have never seen this before…
Hey Don,
Great pic. When and where is it from??
We’re not sure….
I’m Lovin the pic, but not the fact Miss M is numer 2!!
i do not think i have seen her there at all this year, but she has to step aside and let some other act that isn’t as good have a shot lol
Who would have though Bette n Cher could be friends, they are sooooo different, in many ways, but oh well,
Hayley xx
haaahaa, I love that picture.
But what about those shoes Miss Midler?
Looks like Big Bird in drag 🙂 but nice legs though
btw, I also have no clue where that pic is from. never seen it before. so if anybody knows…
I want Bette’s slippers! Lol Damn Cher finally got the top spot but not for loooong….
Not for llllooooonnnnggggg I agree. I want those slippers too dammit!
I think its photoshopped. If you look at Bette’s hair you can kinda see her Beaches haido in there in a very (very) slightly different red. The curl changes a little too…. Nice job though.
i think it might be photoshopped, too. bette looks too tall, and the thighs look too big to be bette’s. she’s always had better looking legs than that, right?
It came from Getty Imaged so you think you wouldn’t get any photoshopped stuff…..I went to look for it on there and now I can’t find it. It just looks funny to me, so I’m inclined to say Photoshop, too. Bette’s legs in this picture kept bothering me for the same reason Erik gave…
Love, D
Dear mister D and other Bette heads!,
I will help you all out of this,
I’m a big Cher fan for over 10 years, and discoverd Bette Midler 5 years ago, I really love theme bought!
And now the answer to your question, this photo of Bette and Cher isn’t photo shoped, i have this Sonny and Cher show on tape with Bette Midler as a gast, she was more then 6 times a guest in the Cher show. The picture you have above this article is alsow showing in the tour book of Cher from caesars palace at this time. And the picture of Bette, Cher en Elthon witch you see in Bette’s tourbook of Caesars is alsow from the Cher show. really great perfomance by these 3 “diva’s”
So hope that i have helped you out.
But now i have a question, as far as i know Cher en Bette didden’t had any fight with eachother until 1975, but does any one know where the fight is about?
Day look different, but i think in a lot of other ways they are the same. They both are great singers, both act great, both have a extravaganza show in Vegas, both like to where anything over the top clothes, just because they like it, they both have a good heart, and give a lot of money and time in to charity.
Whel have a great day,
loves Bette and Cher fan from the Netherlands,
regards Rosa