Daily Herald
May 8, 1980
A View from a Broad tells of the travels of a more recent singer-actress. Bette Midler is as uninhibited in a book as she is on a concert stage. The volume is both handsomely,illustrated and R-rated, Midler’s wit sparing no target, Including herself and several nations.
“There is no food in Australia. Not as we know it,” she observes. “The natives do, of course, on occasion put matter to mouth, but one cannot possibly call what they ingest food.”
“I had often heard it said that God created the world, but the Dutch created Holland. Well, at least God rested on the seventh day. The Dutch never do.”
About her audience in Germany, she says: “They came in irons in every variety, from metal-studded chokers to handcuffs. Sitting in my dressing room and listening to the clank of metal as the audience came in, I thought I was about to perform before a chain-link fence.”