Why Some Parents Need A License To Breed…:-)

Source: Denver Rocky Mountain News
Date: 3/17/2004
Author: Penny Parker, Rocky Mountain News


I couldn’t take my eyes off the 8- and 6-year-old sisters sitting in the row in front of me with their parents during the Spears concert Monday night.

What was going on inside those neophyte noggins while Britney and her posse of panty-clad dancers writhed on beds and touched themselves during three nasty numbers?

Those elementary schoolers (and a host of others gripping their parents’ hands as they entered the Pepsi Center) got an eyeful of girl-on-girl, boy-on-boy and Britney-on-boy action. Where does this pop tart go from here? Sex on stage? All Britney, all nude?

“Just when you thought it couldn’t go any further,” my companion commented. “At least she’s kissing a guy for a change.”

Spears, who made the obligatory joke about possibly marrying one of the “cute guys” in the audience, played to her fanatical fans’ sympathy.

“Things have been a roller coaster,” she said.

“Ultimately, going through hard times makes you a better person.”

Better or bawdy?


I’ve been to dozens of concerts at the Pepsi Center, but Monday was the first time I’ve ever been frisked. (I thought you had to pay extra for that.)

The security guard not only dissected the contents of my purse, but nearly
performed surgery on my clothes.

I started laughing. “This is Britney Spears!” I said.

“You guys didn’t do this for Bette Midler.”

For the record, I didn’t see any weapons on or around the premises, unless
you count the micro-mini skirts many girls were (barely) wearing.

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