The Courier-Journal
David Inman
Feb 26, 2009
Soupy show
(Thanks Nay)
Dear Inman: When I was a kid in the 1970s, there was a show with a soup name, possibly on public TV, like “Chicken Soup” or “Tomato Soup.” I think it was puppets who would fly up into space in a ship one of the boy characters had made. There could also have been some cartoons of dancing soup spoons? The more I think about this, the kookier it sounds. Could this have just been my imagination? – T.M., by e-mail
Dear T.M.: Maybe, but it also could have been “Vegetable Soup,” which ran on PBS stations from 1975-78. Voices included James Earl Jones, Daniel Stern and, as Woody the Spoon, Bette Midler!
Freelance writer David Inman’s column appears daily. Write to him at The Courier-Journal, 525 W. Broadway, P.O. Box 740031, Louisville, KY 40201-7431; or e-mail him at Questions of general interest will be answered; personal replies are not possible.
I have actually seen this once, its weird and Bette didnt sound the same at all but you could tell it was her. It was a strange cartoon really but i guess it was good in its day. 😀