TV Guide Magazine
Matt Roush
June 8, 2009
Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List (Bravo, 10/9c):
Few spectacles are funnier than Kathy Griffin’s desperate scramble for fame, or at the very least, attention.
A new season gets off to a riotous start as Griffin flees her under-renovation home for new digs at the decidedly un-chic Holiday Inn Express (watch her lurk incognito, as if), then stalks Grammy officials in hopes of bribing her way to a comedy-album nomination.
The highlight of the hour finds Griffin in Las Vegas, hanging with her idol Bette Midler, getting A-list pointers backstage and even onstage at the diva’s splashy Caesars Palace show, followed by a nosh in Bette’s lavish hotel suite. (Kathy asks for grilled cheese, natch.)
I love learning that Bette’s a YouTube junkie: “As a research tool, it’s absolutely staggering.” And by the end of the hour, Kathy has introduced Bette to her world–which means a trip way downtown to sample the guilty pleasure of deep-fried Twinkies and Oreos.
D-List is a seriously guilty pleasure, and if even Bette Midler can survive a brush with Kathy with her dignity intact, what’s stopping you?